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What Does Peridot Look Like


What Does Peridot Look Like – The current birthstone of August, peridot has been valued as a gemstone since ancient times. It is usually green in color but with great variation, the specific shade of peridot depends on its source.

The current birthstone of August, peridot has been valued as a gemstone since ancient times. It is usually green in color but with great variation, the specific shade of peridot depends on its source.

What Does Peridot Look Like

What Does Peridot Look Like

Peridot, Mogok gem tract, Myanmar, brilliant cushion cut, 17.0 x 9.5 x 5.7 mm, 6.92 cts. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.

August Birthstone: Peridot Color, Meaning & More — Borsheims

In this video, Jake Talve-Goodman of Concierge Gemologist  discusses some of the distinguishing characteristics of peridot and shows examples of its birefringence and lily pad inclusions.

Peridots are part of the forsterite-fayalite solid-solution series, which forms part of the olivine group of minerals. Forsterite is magnesium (Mg)-high end, while fayalite is iron (Fe)-high end. The name peridot refers to the olive green, which is the standard of this series.

Peridots: Norway (4.51), Egypt (8.22) // Arizona (9.20, 8.25.) Photo © Joel E. Arem, PhD, FGA. Used with permission.

As idiochromatic gems, peridots get their green color from iron, an important element of their chemical structure. In peridot, iron (Fe

Peridot Stone Meaning, Uses, Properties, Value, & More

) is yellow. Chromium (Cr) traces in peridots do not cause color but can make the green color brighter.

An iron content of only 12 to 15% in olives creates the ideal peridot color, while higher levels create a “muddy” brown color. Thus, olivines that are close in composition to the forsterite end tend to be green. In contrast, those close to the iron-dominant fayalite tend to be yellow and brown. Therefore, most peridots are close to the end of forsterite.

Fayalites are brown olivine rocks, rich in iron. They can be very beautiful, especially when the color runs more gold than brown. Although it is extremely rare to find in nature, fayalite commonly occurs in iron slag produced in metallurgy.

What Does Peridot Look Like

A 0.2 cm crystal of fayalite inside a cristobalite vug, Little Lake, California, USA. © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.

Rectangular Peridot Ring

Olivines can range from 6.5 (fayalite) to 7 (forsterite). Thus, peridots can approach quartz gems in hardness. However, they are still sensitive to scratches on household dust (which has a hardness similar to quartz). Furthermore, they may be at risk of stress fractures.

Use settings to protect any peridot rings. Avoid settings that put pressure on peridots and clean them only with a soft brush, mild detergent and warm water. Peridots also have a certain sensitivity to acids, including those found in sweat. Peridot jewelry should only be worn on the skin occasionally.

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Sterling silver ring with a round peridot in a bezel setting. 1.41 cts, 6.76 x 6.76 x 4.75 mm, Ethiopia. Jewelery designed by Sheelagh Zagoritis. Photo by The Rare Gemstone Company. Used with permission.

Cat’s eye and star stone peridots are known but very rare. In cabbed gems, the inclusion can create a star and a weak cross or a clear 4-ray effect.

Peridot Crystal Meaning

The current August birthstone has a long history. The famous Isle of St. John (or Zabargad, Egypt) on the Red Sea has produced peridots since the time of Ancient Egypt. This site has produced one of the most confusing name mixups in gemology. The Ancient Greeks called the island Topazios, which was said to produce a yellow-green gemstone. This name of the island eventually led to the name topaz for the famous (but not only) yellow gemstones.

Surprisingly, what modern gemology identifies as topaz does not occur on this island. However, the gems from this island were called chrysolite, Greek for “stone of gold.” On the 19th

Peridot is rough and used. Crystal 41.7 cts and 2.1 cm long; cut gem 3.07 cts., Zabargad, Egypt (St. John’s Island). © Rob Lavinsky, www.iRocks.com. Used with permission.

What Does Peridot Look Like

You may find the term chrysolite used interchangeably with peridots or sometimes in reference to members of the olivine forsterite-fayalite series. However, gemologists today no longer use this term. Topaz, chrysoberyl, prehnite, and peridot (olivine) are all considered different gem types.

Peridot Gemstone Education

Olives (those from Earth, not from space) form the Earth’s mantle. Peridotite, an igneous rock composed primarily of olivine and pyroxene, makes up most of the upper mantle.

Peridots: Arizona (1, 2.1); John’s Island, Red Sea (26); Myanmar (8.4). Photo © Joel E. Arem, PhD, FGA. Used with permission.

Peridots can be doubled, which can produce double effects and fuzziness. This can help in identifying them.

This round peridot has a “mysterious” appearance. 1.77 cts, 7.66 mm, San Carlos Indian Reservation, Gila Co., Arizona, USA. © Rob Lavinsky,  mineralauctions.com. Used with permission.

Birthstone Guide: Peridot For Those Born In August

While peridot also shows some faint bands at 6530 and 5290, the set of three aligned bands is different.

Under 10X magnification, peridots will often show distinct, disk-like liquid-and-gas inclusions. Known as “lily pad” inclusions (or sometimes “lotus leaves”), these may form around spinel or biotite crystals and minerals.

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Scientists have created both forsterite and peridot olivine using the melting technique. Dr. Kurt Nassau notes that chromium-doped synthetic forsterites have commercial applications for laser research and have also appeared in jewelry. This material can be distinguished from natural forsterites and peridots due to its low SG and refractive index (RI) value and characteristics related to chromium. However, artificial peridot, grown for experimental purposes, can only differ from natural gems by its inclusions. (Gems & Gemology, Summer 1994, Vol. 30, No. 2). Synthetic peridots rarely appear as gemstones.

What Does Peridot Look Like

Synthetic peridot (10 x 8 mm), set in a 14k gold free-standing slide. Photo courtesy of liveauctioneers.com and United Auctions.

Carat Green Peridot Round Cut Gemstone, 16.1mm Size

While real lab-grown peridots may not have widespread commercial availability or economical jewelry use, you can find good-looking peridots or imitators on the market. In green colors, synthetic corundum and spinel gems, as well as cubic zirconia, can be passed off as peridots.

Some natural green gems can be confused with peridots, such as emeralds and demantoid garnets. Gemologists can distinguish the properties of these gems easily. However, it is possible to find peridots presented as emeralds and demantoids rather than vice versa, due to their great value.

Probably the peridot simulant that often comes in contact with green glass. Although the appearance is very similar, their physical and optical properties are very different.

Most peridots are rarely treated. However, some cut peridots may be metalized to improve stability and color, such as fused glass.

Green Peridot Jewellery

The lozenge-shaped peridot in this beautiful early 20th century pendant has a foil backing. Photo courtesy of liveauctioneers.com and associates.

This island is located about 35 kilometers from the port of Berenica in the Red Sea. The oldest known source of peridots, the area was often shrouded in fog making it difficult for ancient sailors to find. In fact, it was lost for centuries until it was rediscovered in 1905.

Produces peridot crystals in veins of nickel ore in the altered peridotite rock. This material has a very rich, not dark, medium color.

What Does Peridot Look Like

, mass production. This roughness produces dark green, oily, transparent gems of fine color, several hundred carats in size.

Peridot Stone: Benefits, Price, And Ring Elegance

Here, peridots can occur as grains, pieces of parent rock that have long since collapsed for ants to use to build large mounds. Peridot is also mined from

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Produces lighter peridots than those from other areas. These gems have an attractive lime-green color because they contain little iron, but the fragments are very rare in size and rarely yield stones cut over five carats.

Pear-cut peridot cabochon in matrix, 84.04 cts, 52 x 28.6 x 12 mm, Canary Islands, Spain. © Jeweler. Used with permission.

Peridots may have an extraterrestrial origin. Pallasite meteorites have produced facetable peridots. Check out our article on meteorite jewelry for more information about meteorite jewelry materials.

Natural Peridot Tumbled Polished Stones

This 0.64-ct, oval mixed-cut peridot was cut from the Jepara Pallasite meteorite, found in Indonesia in 2008. © Jeweler. Used with permission.

Myanmar objects cut the largest gemstones, followed by Egyptian objects. Peridot from Antarctica is limited to a few stones under 2 carats. Arizona items over 10 carats are extremely rare in cut form.

A large (100-ct plus) pure crystal from Norway (the largest known) resides in a European collection.

What Does Peridot Look Like

Peridots, including the largest known specimen in the world (310 cts), from the collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Photo credit: Dane A. Penland, Public.Resource.Org. Licensed under CC By 2.0.

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Peridot Gemstone?

Due to the possibility of inclusion and the risk of breakage in peridots, do not clean these gems using mechanical methods, such as ultrasonic or steam systems. Instead, clean peridots with a soft brush, mild detergent, and warm water. Consult our jewelry cleaning guide for more tips.

Matched oval brilliant-cut peridots, 6.02 ctw, 10 x 8 mm, Pakistan. © Jeweler. Used with permission.

Dr. Joel E. Arem has over 60 years of experience in the world of gems and minerals. After receiving his Ph.D. in Mineralogy from Harvard University, has published a number of books that are among the most widely used references and handbooks on crystals, gems and minerals in the world.

Founder and President of many organizations, Dr. Arem has enjoyed a lifelong career in mineralogy and gemology. He has been a Smithsonian scientist and Curator, a consultant to many well-known companies and institutions,

August Birthstone: Peridot

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