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What To Say When Someone Is Diagnosed With Cancer


What To Say When Someone Is Diagnosed With Cancer – Today, 7 young people will be told that they have cancer. Despite being an issue that affects everyone (directly or indirectly), the “big C” is still a taboo subject because of the fear surrounding it. Research shows that as a result of cancer treatment among teenagers, 87% of patients have lost contact with their friends. If we can just open the dialogue around it, it will help those affected and can lead to risk elimination and early detection.

As part of our campaign with FVCK CANCER – a kickass headwear brand working to support those struggling with hair loss due to chemotherapy – we reached out to designer Emily McDowell. Emily was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin lymphoma in 2001 when she was just 24 years old. During the next 9 months of treatment, she watched her family and friends struggle to find the right words to say. And the sympathy cards she received didn’t help – from sweet to cold, nothing spoke of the situation she was in. This inspired him to create his own cliché-free and flashy designs. From finding humor in the hilarity to over-the-top sarcasm, Emily’s cards say it like it is, while being kind and comforting. Check them out below, along with some tips on what to say to someone with cancer.

What To Say When Someone Is Diagnosed With Cancer

What To Say When Someone Is Diagnosed With Cancer

Our culture doesn’t teach us how to talk about illness, so when it happens in our lives, most of us feel really sick about dealing with it. We’re afraid of saying the wrong thing, so we hesitate, and then time passes, and then we get even more nervous, but now, we blame ourselves, which makes it even harder to get through. But for a Cancer person, it feels very lonely and painful when friends are silent. Remember that no one ever died of stupidity, and if you don’t know what to say, it’s okay to say it. Your friend doesn’t even know what it’s like to have cancer—and what they need most is your offer to just be there.

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Resilience serves us well in everyday life, so when someone we care about is sick, our first instinct is often to go into “feel-good” mode, at there we immediately try to help solve his problem with our suggestions. questions and ideas. But it’s impossible to fix someone’s illness, and you don’t have to.

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The most supportive thing you can do for them is to be willing to show up, be present, listen, and if they don’t want to talk, be quiet. Silence isn’t inherently uncomfortable, it feels that way because we’re not used to it. Fortunately, learning to listen is also much easier than coming up with the elusive “right words” that never come.

Find out how they feel. “Como estas?” it seems so basic, but most people will appreciate it. It tells the person that you remember and care about what’s going on, but don’t need a long conversation if they don’t want to talk.

Sometimes, a better question is “how are you today?” Adding “today” to your question acknowledges that, in general, you know that her life is generally sweet at the moment, and that you understand that there are good days and bad days. days It also captures what can feel like an overwhelming question, like “how do I deal with this whole cancer thing?” and turns it into a management one.

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Or an alternative: “What is it to you?” or “How is this for you?” Say you ask your friend how he’s doing, and they say, “Great. I’m halfway through my radiation.” Instead of offering a conclusion or story in response—like, “Wow, half way through!” or “My aunt was really struggling with her radiation,” it’s a great time to ask, “Is that right? How’s it going for you?” This gives your friend plenty of opportunity to respond however they like, and shows them that you care about their experience.

Your friend with cancer doesn’t need or want you to send them links about the healing properties of green juice, or an experimental treatment you’re reading about. Be sure that when someone goes through this, they have spent more time thinking about their treatment options than you can spend on their behalf, and they have chosen what they feel is the best course of action. If they specifically ask for your opinion, feel free to give it, but never offer unsolicited advice.

Don’t try to find a mind-blowing spiritual insight that will give them a new perspective on life, or that will “help them feel better.” For example, you may believe in yourself that everything happens for a reason, but trying to impose this belief on someone who has been diagnosed with an illness will cause them to feel numb and alienated, which is the opposite of your intention.

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What To Say When Someone Is Diagnosed With Cancer

Trying to “relate” by bringing up something that happened to you, or a story you heard, can prevent you from finding out how the person really feels about what they are experiencing. And unbridled optimism (“you got this!”) can feel like bullshit, with people ending up saying you really don’t want to hear them.

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When you feel that you want to help, you may naturally want to do more to improve the situation, which can lead to pressure or a sense of responsibility, which makes you less able to actually help. It is also a natural tendency to ask the sick person what they need. But doing this requires your friend to do the emotional labor of figuring out what he needs (because often, when we’re struggling, we don’t know what we need), and then asking him, which is difficult for anyone who is already. feeling like a burden.

Instead, think of one thing you can do well and enjoy, and offer it—or, just do it. Don’t worry if the gesture is too small to feel important to you; Suggesting something small is much better than the alternative of turning away and doing nothing. And gestures that feel small to us often feel very meaningful to the recipient. The most important thing is to come up with something you’re really excited about – and then do it.

Emily McDowell is the founder and creative director of Em & Friends. Check out Em & Friends’ full selection of Empathy Cards and supportive gifts at emandfriends.com.

Emily is also the co-author (with Dr. Kelsey Crowe) and illustrator of the book, There’s No Good Card For This: What To Do When Life Is Scary, Horrible, and Unfair To The People You Love say and do.” Find the book here. We use cookies to improve your experience. By accepting, you agree to our Cookie Policy. Learn about booking.

When People Say I “look Good” For Being Diagnosed With Cancer I’m Like…”well Yes. They Diagnosed Me With Cancer. They Didn’t Say I Was Ugly.” 😮‍💨🙄🤣

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When someone you know is sick, it’s important to step up for that person—and even small gestures can be very comforting. Although words of encouragement, affirmation, and positivity do not guarantee that this person will recover in record time or at all, these messages can still have an impact.

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There is a large correlation between feedback and outcome in all experimental conditions. The disease may not guarantee that someone will die. However, there are resources for dealing with grief, as well as how to offer condolences. 

What To Say When Someone Is Diagnosed With Cancer

If you can’t spare extra time to spend with the sick person, sharing a few words in person, via text or email, or even on social media can make them feel seen. Whether someone has been diagnosed with cancer, is terminally ill, or has a temporary illness, we offer suggestions for each below.

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A cancer diagnosis – regardless of type or stage – is something no one goes through alone. Understandably, some people are fiercely secretive, and you may hear through someone’s grapevine. However, sharing some encouragement isn’t a bad idea, and you can’t go wrong if you’re coming from a place of care and respect.

It is important to note that you should compare diseases or individuals. If you have a previous relationship with someone who has been diagnosed with cancer or has a terminal illness, it doesn’t mean that they will deal with it the same way. Avoid commenting on how serious or fortunate you think the diagnosis is, especially if you have no medical background.

You should also avoid sharing ideas about someone’s care system. In short, know your place. If you are not a sick person’s decision maker, don’t act like one. Use yourself

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